Office: CUSH 130 | Phone: (308) 865-8626 | Email:
Wellness promotion is the overarching theme that ties together Dr. Mulhearn’s body of work. Her current research focuses on innovative techniques of building resiliency in various areas of education, from elementary to higher education. She also considers how stakeholders within K-12 education can identify and overcome obstacles to the integration of whole-school physical activity programming. A third are of research relates to effective practices in teacher education, with a specific interest in physical education teacher education. Dr. Mulhearn currently teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses in physical education at bet36365体育, actively engages in the campus through committees and attendance at events, and is involved in the local Kearney community. She has given presentations at numerous regional and national conferences and has work published in many scholarly journals.
Link to Current Curriculum Vita
2020 Ph.D. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, Learning, Literacies, & Technology
2008 M.S. Arizona State University, Mesa, Arizona, Exercise & Wellness
1999 B.S. Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, Physical Education
PE 100 Principles of Physical Education
PE 200 Teaching Sport Skills & Non-Rhythmic Activities
PE 241 Rhythmic Activities for Physical Education
PE 325 Motor Development
PE 340 Non-Rhythmic Physical Education
PE 361 Integrating Movement & Dance
PE 441 Elementary Physical Education Methods
PE 450 Curriculum and Assessment in Physical Education
PE 471 Practical Experience in Health & Physical Education
PE 488 Senior Seminar in Health & Physical Education
PE 828 Secondary Physical Education Methods *Graduate Course
PE 831 Curriculum Development in Physical Education *Graduate Course
PE 841 Elementary Physical Education Methods *Graduate Course
PE 845 Motor Development and Learning *Graduate Course