Office: COPH 120D | Phone: (308) 865-8761 | Email:
PhD., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1998
MA, University of Colorado, 1993
BA, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1990
Teaching Philosophy
“I love helping students see the world differently. In my classes I try to present information clearly and directly, and I’m always looking for examples so students can connect the more abstract material to their own lives. Our social world is increasingly complex and diverse. Sociology is all about going beyond our own individual perspectives. I think sociology is crucial for helping anyone make sense of present life.”
Recent Refereed Journal Articles:
Borchard, K. 2024. "The Criminal in the Prison-House of Language: Conceptual Writing to Re-present Havelock Ellis’ Use of 'The Criminal' in His Book, The Criminal." Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge 30.
Borchard, K. 2024. “The Subjection of the Girl of the Period: Conceptual Writing in Response to Overturning Roe vs. Wade.” Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 13(1):77-97.
Borchard, K. 2023. “2021: A Pandemic Odyssey.” Journal of Autoethnography. 4(4): 521–537.
Borchard, K. 2023. “Conceptual Autoethnography: Every Third Line from Work Emails I Sent in 2021.” Knowledge Cultures 11(2):124–149.
Borchard, K. 2023. “Global Trains of Thought: Coupling Derailment, Environment, Racism, Movement, Progress.” Qualitative Inquiry.
Borchard, K. 2023. “The Van Gogh Experience: Transgressions in Concept, Design, and Writing.” Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 12(1):50-68.
Borchard, K. 2023. “Affectively Entertaining: Dating/Games During a Limited Military Exercise.” Cultural Studies—Critical Methodologies 23(1):90-98.
Borchard, K. 2022. “Replication Crisis: Framing Science for Untold Crimes.”Qualitative Inquiry 28(8-9):962-971.
Borchard, K. 2022. “On the (Often Western, White, Male) Privilege of Self-Defense.” Cultural Studies—Critical Methodologies 23(2):222–230.
Borchard, K. 2022. “Who Sociology Is.” International Review of Qualitative Research 16(2):190-200.
Borchard has been a fellow of the:
He has twice won the bet36365体育 Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (in 2009 and 2010)
Courses taught:
SOC 100, Introduction to Sociology
SOC 275, Social Psychology
SOC 300, Sociological Theory
SOC 340, The Holocaust
SOC 360, Criminology
SOC 461, Deviance and Social Control